FREEFLOW Parking at Tegernsee without tickets

Lighthouse project in operation at Tegernsee

This digital parking solution does not require a ticket dispenser: Upon entry, the license plate number is captured by front and rear cameras to ensure robust detection of motorcycles and during the winter months. The info screen greets the driver with the recognized license plate number and prompts them to continue entering.

Visitors to the adjacent MonteMare Seesauna can redeem parking discounts at the self-service discount terminal after entering their license plate number.

Remaining costs are paid after entering the license plate number at the EMS-4000 pay station, at the staff cash desk or in the online store. At the exit, the license plate number is also recorded by front and rear cameras. If costs are still outstanding, the driver is warned on the info screen and reminded to pay the costs. This is also possible in the webshop up to 48 hours after exiting. A tracking list with time stamp, parking duration, license plate number and license plate photo is available to the operator for further enforcement of unpaid exits.

Once all costs have been paid, the customer is bid farewell and asked to leave. Our freeflow system also records and logically assigns trips against the intended direction of travel.
